Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gather the fragments

Here's a challenge: Think. Think back. Think back to a time in your life, specific or not, where you'd like to "fix it" or "do it over." Let the memory come, growing more clear and perhaps more painful. It's ok. We all have them. Don't run. Don't wince. Face it. Stay with it for a while. Own it if you can. It might be little; it might be big. It's ok. It's yours. It is part of who you are, and why you are. What are you thinking? "How could I do that?" "What was I thinking?" "Am I stupid, or what?" "If only I had known..." "Why did that have to happen?" Fill in your own thoughts.
What are you feeling? Regret? Hate? Anger? Sadness? Disgust? Do those feelings feel foreign, or more like coming home? Have they ever really left?
So, what of this? Do we dredge up the past for the sake of it? No, no.

When Jesus had taken five small loaves and two fish and fed over 5,000 people, the crowd ate until they were satisfied. Not only that, but there were leftovers. Jesus told His disciples to take baskets and to gather the fragments so that nothing would be wasted. Imagine it.

Now, back to your life and mine. What if we ask Jesus to take the fragments, the broken pieces, the 'waste' (or so we might assume), and to somehow make something of it. Do you believe He could? Yes, indeed. I have seen it over and over. A mistake, a tragedy, an illness, a loss....something seemingly hopeless and meaningless. Yet, give it to Him, and He takes it in His most capable hands, and does something amazing. Open yourself to Him. He can bring new life where there was death, healing where there was brokenness, peace where there was regret. He can even give you new insight into yourself, and the ability to relate to others who are "there" right now.

Yes, Jesus is not called the Redeemer for nothing. He can buy back that which we thought was forever lost and completely irreparable. He can use you and your life's 'fragments' to enrich your life and the lives of others. Ask Him.

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