Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Make It Matter Intentionally

So, what's all this about? Make what matter? And intentionally? Well, here's the gist of it: I have learned in my more-than-half-over life, that all people come to the same end, namely, death. And I have also learned in my more-than-half-over life, that most people desire the same thing as they get ever closer to that inevitable end. They want their life to count for something. We all do. We want to know that our lives mattered. That somehow, in the grand scheme of things, we made a difference. Now, not everyone is a Pope or a President or a Mother Teresa. But, nonetheless, we can know that we can most certainly count. So, how? One huge factor, I am confident, is the beginning. THE Beginning, with a capital "B." God. Yes, the One Who can make sense of everything before, now, and yet to come. When God is in your life, and thus, in the equation, then you can have ultimate value and meaning. God can take the past that we cannot retrieve, and redeem it anyway. God can take the seemingly insignificant moments of our present and use them for amazing things. God can even shape our future before we get there. So, how to find meaning? Open your heart to Him, and get intentional.
Here's an example: My past had some (what I considered) wasted years...time I spent in lonely, self-pity and depression. I ended up with an eating disorder, very few friends, hating myself and my life. Can I go back and re-live those years? Of course not. Can I make them matter intentionally? Yes. I can tell young people what I did, so they don't have to go there. I can ask God to lead me to share openly to help others who may be experiencing depression or eating disorders right now. I can thank Him that it's not too late to live outward instead of inward.

1 comment:

  1. mumbly blog!

    i'm excited to see what you will write! i love you!

